Harvard Book Club March Meeting

At the next meeting of the Book Club, we will discuss The Leopard, a novel by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa that chronicles the changes in Sicilian life and society during the Risorgimento.  The plot focuses upon the aristocratic Salina family, which is headed by the stoic Prince Fabrizio, a consummate womanizer who foresees the upcoming downfall of his family and the nobility in Italy as a whole, but who finds himself unable to change the course of history.  We will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11, at the home of Barbara Elam (Lindenshire Condos, 5950 Lindenshire Ln. #409.  Lindenshire is the first street behind the northwest quadrant of Preston Forest shopping center).  The Club meets on the second Wednesday of every month at various locations.


To RSVP for the March meeting, or for more information about the location, please contact Barbara at (214) 621-5711 or elamartist@yahoo.com.  For more information about the Book Club, please contact Adrienne Dominguez atadrienne.dominguez@tklaw.com or Lee Loewenstein at leelo56@gmail.com.